
Speaking Up: Part I

We're fighting discrimination against men, due to stereotypes that men are dangerous to women and children.

Source: Legion Of Men

Bo Refec “McDonald’s average meal for you and your girl easily hits $20. Remember when you could get fries with your McChicken for like $1? I used to get 5 of them at the same time when I was young.”

The HSL Team™’s Reaction: You’re absolutely right! Everyday I ask God why I’m not born female: I could have sex and foodie calls all day long, without being scared to end up homeless. Life is a poisened gift for men nowadays.

Source: Legion Of Men

Interviewer “What can you offer a man?”
Filipina Woman “Everything”

The HSL Team™’s Reaction: I literally have tears in my eyes. I’ve never heard a woman so peaceful, sincere, and calm. Not anxious or angry. Be positive. Instead of crying over radicalized feminists, think about the millions of adorable ladies in the Philippines, just waiting for your visit. Focus on that goal. Never get distracted by any negative thought.

🏆 This Edition’s Must Watch 🏆

📝 Editor’s Reflection 📝

AI, Social Media, and the Battle for Free Expression 

Social media platforms today use AI algorithms that heavily influence the content we see, limiting our freedom of choice in subtle ways. While I enjoy content like Formula 1, video games, music, and tech, I often find myself bombarded with manosphere videos. After watching the same arguments repeated in other types of content, it’s easy to understand why manosphere content becomes more appealing—it discusses societal shifts that people genuinely care about. However, as these videos go viral, platforms like YouTube may start categorizing viewers or content creators as ‘dangerous’ or ‘problematic’ simply for engaging with this content. This is damaging to both free speech and the diversity of discussion online. YouTube no longer acts like a simple video host that removes only illegal content—it operates more like a big TV network, controlling what is deemed authentic or acceptable. Much like a traditional media outlet, YouTube’s algorithms favor certain narratives, and this control extends to what opinions are amplified or suppressed.

YouTube now drains more traffic than television and, with this kind of reach, has the power to influence even major events, such as political elections. This leads to selective visibility for some and censorship or ‘deboosting’ for others based on factors like gender, religion, and viewpoints. Content creators like Melanie King, Better Bachelor, Michael Sartain, and Whatever are constantly at risk of being deplatformed, not because they violate community guidelines, but because their perspectives challenge dominant narratives. Eventually, this will impact everyone who watches or engages with these kinds of discussions. This is not about promoting hate or division; it’s about the legitimate defense of differing viewpoints in the face of growing censorship. As platforms and governments work together to label certain content as ‘dangerous,’ it’s critical to question whether we are moving toward greater suppression of free thought and speech online ■

Source: Smash JT

Smash JT “If you are a guy and you want to say that you’re transgender, there is a chance that it can literally assist you in keeping your job in the industry. There are people in the industry who would actually say that to keep a career going, instead of being honest about who they are.”


Source: Owl of Dating

Owl of Dating “Did you ever seen theses videos pop-up on YouTube, guys using Tinder in places such as Bangkok? (…) Getting 100 matches in few hours is not uncommon.”

The HSL Team™’s Reaction: I want to go to Thailand and experience Tinder out there once in my lifetime!

Source: BrokenArrow

BrokenArrow “Women want Super Man but walk past Clark Kent Everyday.”

The HSL Team™’s Reaction: This is the most inspired statement about feminists I’ve never read. Especially when you’re the kindest possible man and still experience thousands of rejections and hostility from females on Tinder every day.

Source: Freshandfit

Casey Red Beard “This is Steve, a very normal-looking guy, but look at this: he’s giving a speech to a room full of people. This implies success, power, confidence, and the ability to command a room. This did not happen organically—you’re not going to open your camera roll and just find this photo in there.”

The HSL Team™’s Reaction: We all know that. It’s not attractiveness, it’s status. You can be ugly, but ugly with a nice suit and a sports car—it’s a like.

Written by
The HSL Team™

loud players. life enjoyers.

  • Enjoylife.